If you’re looking for the best at-home facial techniques, facial massage is definitely my go-to recommendation. Some of my all-time favourite facials have been massage-based, and they tend to give instant results and leave your skin looking and feeling great. But is it really possible to get the same results at home? I called on one of my absolute favourite facialists, the legendary Su-Man, whose signature technique is all about massage, to find out. Plus, read on to find out one of my favourite products from another legendary facialist to give you a helping hand at home…

Su-Man’s Guide to At-Home Facial Massage
Q: What are the benefits of facial massage?
A: The facial massage stimulates the deepest layers of the skin so the product can penetrate to the dermis better. By incorporating a gentle massage during your skincare routine you also alleviate the tension in the muscles and minimise the wrinkles.
Q: You are renowned for your incredible massage-based facials, where does the technique come from?
A: My technique is inspired by my professional years as ballet dancer. I discovered dance at the age of 19 and I went on to be a professional dancer. From dance, I learned the pleasure and freedom of doing something without words (well, not surprisingly I ended up doing what I do best). Dance helped me to express outer and inner beauty through my body and made me realise that being beautiful is both an emotional and physical state of being.
Unfortunately, with dancing often comes injury and when it happens, it makes life miserable and not beautiful because the body’s energy is trapped and stagnated. However, through injury I discovered the power of touch – shiatsu and I became a practitioner. Shiatsu helped me understand the connection between physical and emotional well-being, and out of shiatsu came my facial technique which is an expression of everything I’ve done, all I have been and believe in.
It took me ten years to perfect my techniques and even up until today I have never been 100% sure if I’m good enough. But what inspired me and kept me wanting to improve myself was my clients. Everyone has a beautiful story to tell and everyone has their own unique beauty based on their inborn nature and the life they lead. There are many factors stopping us shining as much as we should and I love unveiling these emotions on my clients expressions.

Q: Is this something people can do at home?
A: Yes, during the lockdown I’ve been teaching my technique over several Instagram videos. You can have a look at @sumanskincare
Q: What are your top tips for at-home facial massage?
A: I normally recommend my clients to use enough product (big amounts of serum or moisturiser) whilst doing the massage as you avoid damaging the tissue or irritating the skin with the friction. With just 5 or 10 mins of my facial technique on a daily basis you can start seeing results long term. They should also follow my technique of ‘Holding hand and working hand’ which I explain in my Instagram videos.
Q: Anything else we should know?
A: Every person has a beautiful story to tell and every individual is unique so my approach to each client is different. I listen and look and let this tell me what it needed. I often find doubt in people’s eyes, sadness around the mouth, and anxiety in the jaw line. Fear of ageing, fear of losing, fear of knowing, fear of anything that comes into our mind can deeply impact on our body and how we look. That’s why I recommend sparing some time to release that tension in your face with a gentle yet invigorating massage that helps remove the skin’s stagnation and let the Qi (internal energy based in traditional Chinese medicine) flow.
You can find out more about Su-Man’s work and products here
Want a helping hand? I also love Sarah Chapman’s facials and her products are some of my all-time favourites for at-home skincare. If you want a little helping hand with getting your facial massage technique right at home, check out her The Facialift Sculpting Facial Massager and try her techniques at home as shown on her YouTube.
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